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A Supply Chain Transformation to Meet Sustainability Goals 

This tool support your supply chain operations in the design and implementation of process improvements to meet environmental objectives without expensive carbon off-setting solutions.

Leverage your Data to Find Optimization Levers

Use the transactional data generated by your systems (WMS, ERP, TMS) to power our models to design tailored solutions, simulate scenarios, visualize operational performance and uncover actionable insights for your supply chain.

Try our Demo!

A demo version is available to test 9 modules for Supply Chain Optimization, Sustainable Transformation and Business Planning.

Demo Version

Select parameters to simulate what-if scenarios 

For each module, you can adapt the parameters to test multiple scenarios to support the design and implementation of process change like Supply Chain Network Design, Circular Economy or Optimal Production Planning

Visualize results with interractive visuals

The tool provides visuals for the key indicators impacting the quality of the solution generated. Our application is very responsive, visualizations are automatically refreshed when you change any input parameters so you can quickly switch from one scenario to another.

1- Explore our Modules

Users can select modules from three key categories: Sustainability, Supply Chain Optimization, and Business Planning introduced in our case studies.

Case Studies

2- Select Parameters

For each module, select among a set of parameter before launching the analysis. The user interface includes explainations to guide users on the definition of these inputs and their impact on the results.  

3- Visualize Results

The tool provides interactive visuals automatically updated as users adjust parameters on user interface. This dynamic functionality allows you to gain deeper insights into the impact of your decisions and make data-driven choices for performance and sustainability.  

Any Question?!

Feel free to leave any question or remark regarding LogiGreen Apps. We can reach you to organize a demo session to understand how we can support your operational needs.

Support your Green Transformation 

with Analytics

Try Our Apps